September, 2023
Meeting with the Ministry of Investment of KSA
In a recent meeting with Mohammad Alfehaid, Industrial Biotechnology Segment Director at the Ministry of Investment, we gained valuable insights of the challenges in the biotech sector. The discussion revolved around the hurdles encountered in identifying worthwhile biotech companies and differentiating them from potential scams.
One prevalent concern was the scarcity of quality education and the ongoing struggle to attract and retain top-tier talent.
Addressing the intricate landscape of the biotech industry, the participants expressed ambitious goals, aiming to establish 20% of their biotech industrial workforce in Saudi Arabia. Amidst their aspirations, a primary focus emerged on sourcing sustainable products, particularly in the realm of biopolymers. However, the high cost associated with these innovations remains a substantial pain point.

Biomass stands out as another key area of interest, yet the lack of resources poses a challenge in realizing its full potential. The discussion also touched upon the significance of Carbon Capture, with a keen interest in its application to Biogas—excluding bioenergy from their immediate considerations.

As these industry leaders strive to overcome hurdles, their commitment to sustainable solutions and fostering talent shines through. The pursuit of groundbreaking advancements in biotechnology remains a steadfast mission, and with strategic planning and collaboration, the vision of a thriving biotech landscape in Saudi Arabia seems within reach.

Stay tuned as we continue to explore and share insights from the forefront of the biotech industry, where challenges are viewed not as obstacles but as opportunities for innovation and growth.

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