AI-powered Online
Content Generator

A state-of-the-art AI-powered platform dedicated discovery, filtering, validation, rewriting, editing, translating, publishing, and distributing high-quality content. All fully automated.

Implementing our Platform
isn't just an upgrade
- it's a revolution


Our solution automates massive content creation and distribution across all social media platforms, effectively replacing traditional marketing efforts


Daleel News
AI-Driven Platform

We developed and launched an AI-powered news website for Daleel, optimized for English and Arabic. We implemented a scalable cloud infrastructure and integrated AI-driven news scrapers and publishing workflows. Each news article is enhanced with AI-generated illustrations through Shutterstock and DALL-E

See result

automated platform

Briolink developed Saudi Arabia’s first AI-driven media platform, automating content creation and distribution across Telegram, Facebook, and LinkedIn. The system also generates tailored images for each post. Since launch, over 3,000 posts have been published, boosting content volume and allowing the editorial team to focus on strategic tasks...

See result

Tomoh content
ai platform

Briolink developed an innovative AI-driven news section for Monshaat's Tomoh program, automating content selection, creation, and distribution for Saudi Arabia's SME sector. The system leverages AI to aggregate, rewrite, and generate relevant content from both internal and external sources, aligning with the program's goals of supporting Saudi youth and SMEs.

See result

product Features

Your Complete Digital
Strategy Solution

Automated Content

AI-driven engine finds, filters, and crafts compelling news articles, press releases, and social media posts tailored to each SME.


AI-optimized content distribution across website, intranet, and social channels amplifies SME stories.

Data-Driven Insights

Actionable analytics monitors content performance, guiding future strategies.

Language Fluency

Seamless translation between English and other languages ensures broad accessibility and understanding.

Multi-Channel Distribution

Automated publishing across websites, intranets, and social media platforms


Automated content targeting for better search engine rankings

AI Automation in Action:
Saudi Business News Case Study

Explosive Growth: Watch Your Engagement Soar

See how Saudi Business News is thriving with our AI:

Search appearances
+ 0 %
Unigue visitors
+ 0 %
New followers
+ 0 %


1. Cloud Infrastructure Setup

We'll build a strong, scalable foundation using AWS to handle high volumes of content

2. Website Launch

We'll create a fast, search-engine friendly WordPress site to showcase your content effectively

3. Smart News Gathering

We'll develop custom tools to automatically collect relevant news from trusted sources

4. Seamless Content Publishing

We'll set up a system to effortlessly publish AI-enhanced articles optimized for search engines

5. AI Content Enhancement

We'll employ cutting-edge AI to rewrite, moderate, and create engaging news articles

6. Eye-Catching Visuals

We'll integrate Shutterstock and DALL-E to automatically add relevant, high-quality images

7. Multi-Platform Content Distribution

We'll use AI to tailor content for various social media platforms and automate publishing of adapted content

8. Automated Video Creation

We'll implement tools to transform articles into engaging video content, complete with voiceovers

9. Turnkey Solution Delivery

We'll hand over a complete, ready-to-use system with all necessary components

The Business Impact

Numbers That Will Make Your CFO Smile

Lead Generation & Sales

30% increase in leads with a 5% conversion rate


Reduce content creation costs by up to 90%

PR & Thought Leadership

Quantifiable increase in business opportunities and partnerships

Brand Awareness

300% increase in impressions with a 2% engagement rate

Employee Engagement

5% increase in productivity, 2% reduction in turnover

Sustainability Boost

Potential for millions in additional investments due to enhanced green reputation

Automated Posting
on Multiple Channels

Our AI doesn't just create content - it ensures
maximum visibility:

Facebook Pages & Groups




Google Business



And more!

Your content, everywhere
your audience is

Our Technology Stack