AI Technology scouting

Stay informed with TechSights. We provide specialized research services, delivering insights into the latest technological trends and breakthroughs


In the rapidly evolving world of AI, staying informed is not just an advantage—it's a necessity. Our AI Technology Scouting service, is your compass in the ever-changing landscape of artificial intelligence, guiding you towards the most promising innovations and opportunities.

Why choose us

Cutting-Edge Intelligence

Access the latest AI breakthroughs before they hit the mainstream

Tailored Insights

Receive information curated specifically for your industry and business needs

Competitive Advantage

Stay steps ahead of your competitors with early adoption of emerging AI technologies

Risk Mitigation

Identify potential disruptors in your industry before they impact your business

What You'll Gain

  • Regular pulse on the AI technology landscape
  • Early awareness of game-changing AI innovations
  • Insights to guide your AI strategy and investments
  • Identification of potential AI-driven disruptors in your industry
  • Opportunities for strategic partnerships and collaborations
  • Competitive intelligence on AI adoption trends in your sector


1. Scope Definition

Understand your specific AI interests and business objectives. Define key areas of focus for our scouting efforts

2. Comprehensive Scanning

Monitor global AI research institutions, startups, and tech giants. Track patent filings, academic papers, and industry announcements

3. Deep Dive Analysis

Conduct in-depth research on the most relevant AI technologies. Assess potential applications and impact on your industry

4. Opportunity Evaluation

Evaluate the maturity and feasibility of emerging AI technologies. Assess potential ROI and implementation challenges

5. Customized Reporting

Deliver regular, easy-to-digest reports tailored to your needs. Provide executive summaries and detailed technical analyses

6. Strategic Recommendations

Offer actionable insights on how to leverage identified AI technologies Suggest potential partnerships or acquisition targets

See Our Impact

Development of Daleel News AI-Driven Platform

We developed and launched an AI-powered news website for Daleel, optimized for English and Arabic. We implemented a scalable cloud infrastructure and integrated AI-driven news scrapers and publishing workflows. Each news article is enhanced with AI-generated illustrations through Shutterstock and DALL-E…

Revolutionizing News Media with AI

Briolink developed Saudi Arabia’s first AI-driven media platform, automating content creation and distribution across Telegram, Facebook, and LinkedIn. The system also generates tailored images for each post. Since launch, over 3,000 posts have been published, boosting content volume and allowing the editorial team to focus on strategic tasks…

Pioneering Saudi Arabia’s First Car Manufacturing Facility

BrioLink organized a pivotal meeting between the Saudi government and Lucid Motors, showcasing Lucid’s car manufacturing capabilities. This led to the creation of Saudi Arabia’s first car manufacturing facility, generating jobs and boosting economic growth.

Enhancing Automotive Innovation through Strategic Scouting

BrioLink evaluated 107 vendors across 12 automotive categories, providing the International Automotive Component Group with a robust network and streamlined technology acquisition. Our efforts positioned them as leaders in automotive innovation, boosting growth and competitiveness…

Accelerating Siemens’ Clean Energy Ventures

BrioLink fostered key Silicon Valley collaborations, conducted clean energy investment analyses, and scouted startups. This bolstered Siemens Energy Ventures’ capabilities, achieved growth, and strengthened their network, expanding their presence in the clean energy sector…

Accelerating Clean Energy Investments

BrioLink identified and assessed 47 clean energy investment opportunities, conducting in-depth R&D analyses to ensure viability and strategic alignment. This effort significantly accelerated Siemens Financial Services’ clean energy investment pipeline, secured a robust portfolio, and strengthened Siemens’ position in the renewable energy market…