Business profile Aggregator

Our platform is a powerful tool for collecting, analyzing and managing information about companies, startups, investors and service providers

We don't just provide access to information - we create an individual solution for your company


Our platform can be customized to only show startups, investors and partners that are relevant to you, streamlining your internal processes and strategic planning

product Features

database of startups and investors

Deep analytics and insights for each profile

Flexible information management and categorization system

Integration with your internal processes

Customizable filters and search tools

Regular updates and expansion of the database

Build a Unique Ecosystem for Your Business

Integrate and customize a database tailored to your specific needs

  • Localize data to your industry and geography
  • Import and integrate with your existing databases
  • Customizable categories: startups, investors, service providers, key personnel
  • Scalable solution from department to corporation-wide implementation

Optimize Partner Search with AI-Driven Tools

Find perfect matches for your business needs in seconds

  • Customizable filters specific to your business
  • Integration with your internal systems for smart searching
  • Ability to create unique search parameters
  • AI recommendations based on your preferences and interaction history

Gain Comprehensive Insights on Potential Partners

Make informed decisions based on extensive data

  • Customize profile parameters to your evaluation criteria
  • Integration with your CRM and ERP systems for data enrichment
  • Option to add private notes and ratings
  • Automatic profile updates to ensure information relevance

Deepen Your Understanding of Market Dynamics

Track key deals and connections in your industry

  • Customizable alerts for important transactions in your sector
  • Visualization of inter-company relationships for strategic planning
  • Integration with your financial analytics systems
  • Ability to add internal information about deals

Manage Relationships Efficiently

Centralize and automate your business communications

  • Integration with your communication tools and CRM
  • Customizable message templates for different types of interactions
  • Automation of follow-up processes
  • Communication effectiveness analytics to optimize strategy
Ready to improve your company's performance with a personalized business aggregator?

Our team of experts will help you integrate this powerful solution into your internal processes