Embarking on an unprecedented venture, the Saudi Genome Program is poised to construct a groundbreaking database that not only captures the genetic blueprint of Saudi society but also catalyzes a healthcare revolution through personalized medicine, cost reduction, and an elevated overall quality of life.
Launched in 2018 by His Royal Highness Prince Mohammed bin Salman bin Abdulaziz, Crown Prince and Prime Minister, the Saudi Genome Program (SGP) stands as a unique national initiative leveraging cutting-edge genomic technologies to significantly reduce the incidence of genetic diseases. The SGP aims to propel healthcare advancements by refining diagnosis, therapy, and prevention.
In 2022, the initial phase of strategy development was set in motion, unveiling the ambitious roadmap for SGP 2.0. This transformative vision seeks to position the Kingdom as a global leader in genomics, with objectives that include establishing global collaborations on prevalent genetic diseases, leading the way in genetics and genomics within the MENA region, and ensuring genomics plays a pivotal role in delivering high-quality healthcare to all Saudi citizens. With the SGP at the forefront, the future of healthcare is on the cusp of an extraordinary revolution.
Explore more about how Vision 2030 and the Health Sector Transformation Program are propelling the Kingdom into a global leadership role in healthcare.