for corporations

Your Business Transformation
Starts Here

A consulting firm that builds innovative strategies and expands your businessinto international markets.

Innovate, Elevate, Expand

Acting like a venture studio but for corporations, we revolutionize the way corporations think about their strategy and operations. By blending international expertise and cutting-edge insights, our founder leads our team in delivering bespoke solutions that chart a course for profitability and innovation."

Innovative Business Strategies

Our custom-crafted strategies are not just plans but transformative actions tailored to propel your corporation to global prominence. We focus on combining innovative tech solutions with practical business tactics, ensuring that every strategy not only aligns with but also amplifies your company’s core objectives.


Entering a new market requires more than just a good product or service; it demands a thorough understanding of cultural nuances, regulatory environments, and competitive landscapes. Our market research services provide a comprehensive analysis that supports successful market entry and informed decision-making

Startup Identification
and Integration

Leveraging our vast network within the tech and innovation communities, we identify cutting-edge startups whose technologies and operations can be synergistically integrated into your business framework. This service not only brings innovative solutions to the table but also accelerates the technological advancement within your corporation, keeping you ahead in a fast-evolving business world.

Latest insights on corporate innovation, strategic investments, and digital transformation for future-focused enterprises

Enhance Your Event with Distinguished
Insights from DR. Andrey Kunov

Andrey Kunov is a renowned serial entrepreneur and global business strategist with over twenty years of experience innovating at the intersection of technology and business. He is the founder of the Silicon Valley Innovation Center and the Global Technology Symposium, where he has tirelessly worked to bridge gaps between markets and promote international tech cooperation.